Hey Guys !

I hope you are all excited to get out on Professional Experience and implement all of the ICT knowledge learned through EDC3100 ! I know I am !

This time, I will be integrating ICT into lessons for the foundation year. I haven’t had much experience with students at this age, as most of my experiences on prac have been with middle years, or older students. I feel refreshed and eager to try something new ! This blog post will list a few apps, technologies and tricks for ICT integration, just to give you guys some ideas for prac – and hopefully I can build upon this list by yours.

We are required to keep a record of at least 5 lesson plans with the use of ICT.

HOWCAST: Step by step instructional videos on a wide range of educational topics. This can assist students in reducing stress, improving memory and using Adobe Illustrator.

VOCABLA: I am very big on differentiation and this app assists students with ESL, it allows students to add phrases and words to a glossary to assist with their memory.

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